Amazing Rope Swing

There’s a fairly gigantic plot of land behind our apartment, about 5 minutes walking distance. If this park were in Richmond, all the branches would be trimmed off the trees below neck height, to reduce the number of rapes. Here, it feels like I’m walking into a jungle. With nicely cared-for paths and playgrounds.

The swing was just awesome. We must have played on it for a good 30 minutes, until we were too worn out to keep going. You could jump off a pile of sand onto the swing. So much fun. And it should be noted that Alissa jumped from the highest point on the pile, and successfully swung down. Not many girls can do that.

Little Steam House Road

Little Steam House Road (that is cute and adorable)

Here’s a sign from the woods. I only include it because it has the south German diminutive “le” at the end. For those of you that hate grammar, it makes the whole word “cute, little, small, itty-bitty”. So if you want to call your sweetheart something cute and adorable, you could say “rabbitle”, or “dandelionle”. She’d like that.


One thought on “Amazing Rope Swing

  1. […] parks around here are generally awesome. I believe you know about the rope swings. They’re awesome. And the jungle gyms, while typically too small for us to play on, would […]

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